Basic Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Because the glorious summer months have now all but vanished, it is all too easy for homeowners to forget that their air conditioning system is still being used for the majority of the time in the cooler months, although obviously not to the same extent. With air conditioners perhaps running all year long, it is helpful to make certain that your A/C system is serviced frequently. Although many people are comfortable with hiring a qualified HVAC technician to service the unit for them, others prefer to save money and do it themselves. As the old adage goes, “it’s better to prevent problems than to fix them.”

You can perform basic yet essential maintenance on your own, even if you possess little in-depth knowledge about how your A/C system actually works. With any luck, following these easy tips on a regular basis can help to minimize numerous unexpected repair costs, so it will utilize less energy and, ultimately, last longer. As such, these minor fixes and Heating repair beekman,ny will ensure that you receive the most value for such a long-term investment.

Before you begin working, bear in mind that you will need to shut off the electrical power, which can be done at the main breaker panel. Clean the area around the unit by brushing away the thick piles of dust, dirt and debris that habitually accumulate over time. Examine the condenser fan’s blades, and immediately replace it if you notice small cracks. With A/C units that were manufactured a long time ago, the fan motor bearings will need oiling.

When you remove the condensing unit’s access panel, always search for signs of electrical system overheating. The obvious telltale sign is the presence of blackened wires. Verify that all electrical connections are clean and tight.

Thoroughly Clean the Ducts and Vents: Firstly take away the access panel and clean away any possible blockages from the grills. Vents need to be dusted with a fine, soft-bristled brush several times a year, and also make sure that you brush the coil fins as well. At the same time, straighten out any coil fins that are bent out of shape with the use of a small dinner knife. They can be easily damaged, so remember to perform this particular process carefully. Additionally, clean the area under the evaporator unit (either with a clean rag or brush), and check the tray for condensation. Doing this will stop the development of mold. If this proves too difficult for you, a HVAC professional can give your air ducts and vents a comprehensive cleaning.

Change the Air Filter: Inspect and change your filter at least once every three months via the manufacturer’s specific instructions. Try not to let this errand fall by the wayside, because dirty filters force the entire system to work harder to expel cool air, which obviously uses up more energy and spends more of your hard-earned money. The general rule of thumb is to check them every two months in the summertime, when the filters end up working harder than in the fall and winter months.

Please note that, although you can carry out basic maintenance without professional assistance, a trained HVAC expert will need to service the compressor and recharge the refrigerant. Older units that still use Freon stipulate that a licensed contractor is required to capture and recycle it, because it is illegal to release the gas into the atmosphere.

Heating Repair Done Right

When it’s time to Heating repair beekman,ny done on one’s abode, it’s important to have it done correctly. The air conditioning and heating systems of one’s home provide comfort when it’s working properly. When it’s not, it can be hard on the inhabitants of the home. Another name for this system is HVAC. HVAC are initials that stand for heating ventilation and air conditioning.

Often times these systems are interrelated and designed to work with similar mechanical components. We all depend on these products to keep our buildings cool in the summer months and toasty warm during the winter. In frigid regions, having a faulty system can be deadly as the inhabitants may become ill or freeze. Here are some things to think about:

  • Preseason maintenance is best: When winter is rolling around on the calendar, it’s wise to have the heating systems checked and serviced ahead of time. Many homeowners may space this out until the snowstorms are falling and the temperatures have dropped to freezing. If there are any problems, it will be difficult to get a technician out rapidly.

That’s because there are many others in the same boat. They forgot to service their systems and when it’s chilly outside, they find out too late that their heater won’t work. In cases such as this, some individuals may be forced to stay with friends or check into a hotel in order to stay warm. Ditto goes for summer. Service the AC before the triple digit temperatures strike.

  • Clean off the system outside: The free-standing units which are housed outside in the inclement weather are likely to become dirty as time goes on. Dirt can work its way into the mechanisms and cause an unnecessary breakdown. Keep dirt, leaves, tree branches and other debris cleared away.
  • Change the filters: One of the easiest ways to keep the HVAC working optimally is by changing the filters each month. It’s wise to have a ready supply in your possession and do the task like clockwork at a pre-designated time. Mark the calendar or do it the first of every month. When your heater cranks away and creates warmth in your home, you’ll be glad you did this simple task. The air in the home will be cleaner and the heater will last longer and run more efficiently.
  • Air flow makes a difference: Proper air flow is necessary in order to keep ventilation in tip top shape. Make sure nothing is blocking the vents.
  • Utility bills on the rise: If the utility bills are rising even after a servicing, it would be wise to have an energy audit performed by a trained service technician. If the unit is an old dinosaur, it may be time to upgrade to an energy frugal model. The initial outlay of cash will be well worth it over time when the utility bills drop season after season.
  • Word-of-mouth referrals: Find out from your friends, family members or neighbors about a good HVAC tech in your area. It’s wise to have a standing relationship who has performed maintenance so that when problems do occur, you’ll know who to call and do a heating repair. Regular customers often get preferential treatment.
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